Wednesday 24 March 2010

movie mood: Attacking the Clones for mindless escapism

Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, to give it its full title.

Have had a crippling headache for much of today.
Induced by circumstances beyond my control.
Two Nurofen, Ginger and Lemon Herbal tea, and some bedrest.
Finally have some energy to do stuff...

I often watch movies, or have movies I know well playing in the background, according to my mood. Want to have something 'lush', romantic, fantastical, over the top and dare I say, 'cool' in the background! Originally wanted to have House of Flying Daggers, but unavailable at present.

So Episode II I'm settling with!

That immersive John Williams score! That touching 'Love theme' helping to elevate the actual mediocre love story. Contrasts with the cool sabre-fights!

Something I don't have to think about too much, yet evokes the appropriate mood for what I want to do (writing in blogs), before going to sleep.

A bedtime story if you will!

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