Saturday 6 November 2010

The Sucker Punch Trailer

A Comment I posted on Nickel-Eye News in response to questions about the new 'Sucker Punch' Trailer:

I am quite excited. Looks like a fan-boy's dream with lots of movie-pop-culture references done in the style of 'Charlie's Angels meets Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow', but with a mega budget! Am curious as to the absence of John Hamm in the trailer, which seems to suggest he might make more of a cameo...

Similar to yourself, I've always regarded Snyder as a 'style-fetishist' - aesthetic over narrative - and this trailer doesn't do much to change that view. As such, I don't have too many high expectations of the next Superman film.

Superman is arguably 'the' original superhero, and Donner's movie still sets the standard to beat. A successful movie, in my view, would need a story that's well-told, with a sense of gravitas, dignity, and respect. That would have to be balanced with a certain wit and humour that innovates, to resonate with today's audience, rather than replicate Donner's 1978 version (a la Superman Returns!). A tall order for anyone, let alone someone of Snyder's more limited scope, as accomplished as he obviously is.

I fear Snyder's leanings towards style and aesthetic will supersede the Nolans' concept for the character. The narrative power of any compelling story might lose out to an amazing visual: embellished with lots of style, cool, a raw violent tension... He's primarily not a great story-teller, and as such, don't have a lot of confidence in his capacity to bring anything truly special to Superman.

But I reserve judgement until proven otherwise.

'Superman: Man of Steel ' is set to hit screens in 2012.

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