Tuesday 16 November 2010

Pillars of the Earth: Ep. 4

A thoroughly depressing Episode... Melodrama supersedes balance of story, and yet another character departs the series indefinitely.

The cliffhanger from the previous episode is resolved as 'red head' and Prior resume their roles. The Cain and Abel story/rivalry is developed a bit further, as some unexpected opportunities arise for the wannabe Tom Builders. A seeming sexual rejection sends one-a-Monking, and further efforts are made to convert the heathen-kind. There's a possibility for lost son and father to reconcile, and truths to be finally revealed.

But the ever-plotting and conniving Bishop (whose ambitions are set for Archbishop of Canterbury) and Mother-Son opportunists do their best to decimate any semblance of a happy ending, and ally themselves with the newly empowered Maude with devastating effect.

The 'empress' Maude, in turn, becomes outwitted, and her seeming advantage over the King becomes neutralized. War ensues again, and it's all a rather tragic mess...

How is this all going to end?
Who's going to survive this never-ending political entaglement?
Will the Cathedral ever get built?

I'm guessing there might be some delicious irony about the new Archbishop of Canterbury owning and residing in the Cathedral when it's eventually built. But that would be quite harsh. With the way things have gone hitherto, you never know for sure!...

Still, curiosity engages my interest to watch 'till the end, rather than an appreciation of a work of art. (This isn't).

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