Saturday 14 August 2010

Buffalo '66 (1998)

An raw expressionistic fantasy set in grim, real-world, post-industrial suburbia (Buffalo). Has an early 90's minimilism, with a small cluster of ingeniously surreal moments. The club scene alone, makes the movie worthy of a viewing.

A depiction of Depression, Familial disillusionment, Isolation and Revenge comprise the elements of the movie's formuala. Christrina Ricci's love interest role, helps to bring a softness and innocence to the movie in spite of her rather illogical and baffling motivations.

Vincent Callo commands our sympathy, discovering bitter-sweet solace from rage-fuelled violence, even though a touch late. We overlook, for a moment, the narcicissm and the egotism of the Director/Writer/Music Credit, for something that boasts moments of originality and achingly pure heart - a disconcertingly welcome addition to the Indie genre.

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