Tuesday 20 July 2010

Toy Story 3 (2010)

A hugely rewarding and entertaining finale, with that extra emotional injection to precipitate the waterworks!

What struck me most about this instalment is a very tangible sense that it really didn't seem like a movie for the kids. Rather a tribute and a parting message to the generation that grew up with it: a 'Great Escape' movie with elements of horror and a genuinely evil malevolence that would rival a Tim Burton movie.

With a structure pretty much consistent and in place for the first two movies (toys conveniently misplaced from home, and heroically try to find their way back), this third act doesn't veer too far from that formula. It's not ground-breaking, and it's not supposed to be (much like the quirky, near-ambivalent short accompanying the feature). It's a movie designed to fill in the few gaps left, and polish the product to it's best condition, perhaps to be placed in that metaphorical museum (as hinted at in the second movie) amongst Pixar's all time Hall of Fame works.

Also in common with that second instalment is the rather wonderfully self-indulgent, over-the-top introduction that seems to nod, ear-mark, and tick all the genres it could possibly fit in: Science FIction, the Western, et al. Whist it was a bit much at first, this conflation of all things and themes in such a short space helps to accentuate the drama of the aftermath. I also love the little nods towards cinema elsewhere throughout the movie, notably: Forest Gump (the hat-flying), Mission Impossible (a sky drop centimetres from falling flat on your face), Jurassic Park, Shawshank Redemption (the jail scenes), and Star Wars (the trash scenes). But behind every formulaic convenience there are some riveting turns and surprises that command your attention, and continues to engage.

Stand-out characters for me have to be Ken and Buzz! Whilst Woody and Buzz share near equal screen time and importance for the narrative, it's Buzz that really steals the show!... The most shockingly discomforting characters that stood out for me have to be 'Big Baby', and the 'Monkey' (perhaps off Family Guy and Powerpuff Girls) whom I found to be quite distrubing, and in itself would possibly merit a higher certificate rating!...

The franchise is rounded off quite neatly, in a wholly satisfying way, though not altogether original. Shockingly sad, and scary at times. The heart-strings are pulled and tugged indeed, but in just the right measure for it to be digestible. Certainly the strongest emotional gravitas of the three, Toy Story 3 has a rewarding and satisfying sense of finality, with neat twists and turns along the way ( a touch heavy at times) that embellish the inherent formulaic structure of the franchise - the only reason for a half star less... Otherwise a rather triumphant swansong whose characters will be sorely missed!

Rating: 4.5/5

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