Wednesday 23 June 2010

Greenberg (2010) - Rating: 4/5

A challenging watch.

One of the descriptions used in the movie of the protagonist is ‘morally reprehensible’ - and I quite agree. We’re not really made to feel for Ben Stiller’s character too much. Reading up on the premise of the film made me feel like I could potentially identify a lot with it. And that I did.

An expressionistic movie, in my view, with a rather disarming and unsuspecting wealth of depth that would merit multiple viewings. The experience sort of reminded me of how I felt watching ‘There Will Be Blood’. It’s not an exciting movie, or a movie that commands your attention - but neither are the main characters that are caught up in this seeming vortex of existentialist self-absorption. It’s not a mass-pleasing audience-friendly depiction of unfortunate individuals who find redemption (in say ‘Little Miss Sunshine’), but rather a slow, silent, unspoken tragedy, that capriciously veers towards the inevitable: temporary resolve for what will always be a perpetual problem. And I liked it for that. An unsung originality which I think won’t be given the credit it deserves.

One of the trailers preceding the feature had the look, feel and atmosphere for a movie ‘Schizo’. Only it was actually part of an awareness campaign attempting to address discrimination of the mentally ill. No doubt that set the tone for the movie, for there are elements of that - a dialogue of sorts played out throughout the course of the feature.

Stiller somehow retains a sense of that comic over-the-top-ness idiosyncratic of his stock work to date, despite venturing for more serious fare (a la Jim Carrey in Truman Show, or Eternal Sunshine). As a consequence, it’s not quite Oscar worthy, but probably the closest he would ever be to qualify (for nomination). He’s utterly convincing as someone you dislike, who is wholly dislikable.

When he says he wants to go to Medical school, we half-believe he’s capable. Certainly the publication of his letter in The Times is a subtle nod towards his capabilities.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Death at a Funeral (2010) - Rating: 4.5/5

A great Father's Day movie!

Hilarious, had my mother audibly in stitches - a sort of embarassing 'she's not here with me' type thing. The same family buzz from 'There's Something About Mary' - probably the last time the family as a whole laughed together!

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Napoleon Dynamite (2004) - Rating: 4/5

Saw last night on Film4+1 (the movie channel for the skint, and moolah challenged)!

Thought it was hilarious. You think you've seen stuff like it before, but you really haven't! It does go for the cheap laughs, in its languidly paced, dead-pan way, but overall quite satisfying. Unsuspecting normality of suburbia, peppered with amusing quirks!
A little subversive too, against that which is expected: socially, and the state of the movie market!
Love the way it's made around the mid-noughties, has a setting that reflects the mid-90s, but has this retro 80s feel!

Thinking about it, and briefly writing about it brings about a smile - it's quite brilliant and original!
Definitely a triumph of the generic 'geek' without appropriating the stock use of Star Wars, Star Trek et al. and perhaps one that I identify with personally!

Saturday 12 June 2010

Background movie: The Prestige

Something in the background (from sis' movie collection)...
A brilliant movie!
Something you can only appreciate upon multiple viewings.

Perhaps a little too clever for it's own good, potentially alienating that mass audience appeal.

Thursday 3 June 2010

Missed Bad Lieutenant...

Can't believe that Bad Lieutenant had a less than two week run at the local Cineworld. Missed my last opportunity (tonight) to watch it for free (on my Cineworld Card). Looks like I might have to wait for it to come out on DVD to appreciate it properly...

Enemy of the State - to revisit

Randomly thought of Gene Hackman's character in that movie!
Think I identify with that!
Some loner techno-geek, who's independent and resourceful.
Have to watch it again sometime soon!

Mood movie: The Godfather - Part II

Sort of waiting for my sis to come home from a performance at Clapham Junction...
Was in the middle of doing some stuff...
But feeling for something quite serious, cool, and moody.

Initially wanted Dark Knight, but unavailable.
Then The Godfather - also unavailable...

So Part II has to suffice!

Tis pretty damn cool too though.

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Stuff seen in the past few days

Last night, saw Star Trek: Nemesis as a mood movie.
A seriously under-rated movie in my estimation!

Saw Out of Sight a few days ago with sis.

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind today.

And Tosca (1976) from the triple DVD 'Popular Puccini'.
Honestly very close to tears for Act 2!...
Conductor: Bruno Bartoletti
Floria Tosca: Raina Kabaivanska
Mario Caravadossi: Placido Domingo.